An interview with Business Insider about why I founded Tutors International, and what makes a successful tutor to UHNW families

I’m pleased to share an in-depth conversation I recently had with Business Insider, where I delve into the unique challenges and rewards of running a global tutoring business for high-net-worth families. At Tutors International, we’ve built our reputation on one key principle: staying focused on the children and their educational needs, regardless of the wealth and luxury that often surrounds us.

When I started this journey back in 1999, my vision was simple – provide tailored, high-quality education to children who need it, no matter where they are in the world. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of working closely with some of the world’s wealthiest families, gaining insights into their lifestyles and the complexities that come with such enormous wealth. But through it all, my focus has remained steadfast on the children.

Our work isn’t about being dazzled by the luxury of private yachts, fine wines, or opulent homes. It’s about understanding the unique challenges these children face, whether they come from a background of extreme affluence or not. At the end of the day, children are children, and our goal is to help them thrive – academically, personally, and socially.

In the article, I also discuss the importance of remaining grounded in this industry. The most successful tutors are those who are driven by a genuine desire to help the children, not by the allure of wealth. It’s something I look for in every candidate we consider for our team, and it’s why we’ve been able to achieve such meaningful results over the years.

I invite you to read the full article to learn more about our approach at Tutors International and the philosophy that has guided us to where we are today. Whether you’re a parent, an educator, or simply interested in the world of elite private tutoring, I believe you’ll find it an insightful read.

Read the full interview with Business Insider here (paywall) or here (without paywall).