The blind leading the blind?

Among the various applications I reviewed this morning was this gem, from someone who feels that she has what it takes to fix the damage done to today’s children’s writing ability by, presumably, my generation! “The children of today will have to correct a lot of wrongs by the baby boomer generation, who have more.

Numbered Claws?

Today I had a call with regarding Tutors International’s Terms and Conditions. There were the usual questions about adjusting the standard probationary period arrangements, how time-off works with anticipated vacations arrangements, resolving disputes, the details of accommodation and transport arrangements.  For each question I referred to our Terms, starting with 4.8, which essentially says more.

Humour Shortage

The below correspondence is a recent reply I wrote to someone who contacted me through this site. His message to me is below mine to him… — [Fname] I know there are thousands of wealthy people in London who want a tutor, but hardly any of them need (or want) a full time tutor more.

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